You are likely here because you're contemplating counseling. You have acknowledged problems or ongoing struggles that you want to change! We believe that counseling can be beneficial for everyone. However, if you aren't in a place where you are really ready, the counseling process may end up being unproductive and frustrating. We want to help you avoid that! Ask yourself the following questions, as honestly as possible:

Are you willing to...

  • engage in honest self-reflection even when it's uncomfortable?

  • be open to addressing challenges that you may be accustomed to concealing?

  • share your thoughts with a counselor and be open to their feedback even if you don't like it?

  • challenge the perceptions, thought patterns, and behaviors that are no longer beneficial to you?

If that honest answer to any of those questions is "no", that's okay! Maybe now isn't the right time for you. You may want to check out our helpful information page or some of our other client resources to see if any of those could be useful for you. We trust that you will eventually be ready and when that time comes, we'll be here! If the answer is "YES!" (or even "maybe"), you just might benefit from scheduling with a therapist. Give us a call at 219-477-5646 or head to the Contact page and fill out our form.